13 new trainees at seele in Gersthofen

09/05/2018 13 new trainees have started their working life at world leading façade specialist seele. They will be trained in jobs like Technical System Designer, Industrial Business Management Assistant, IT Specialist, Metalworker, Machining Technician and Warehouse Logistics Specialist. Also seele’s work-study students have started their training to be a future Bachelor of Engineering in façade engineering and project management.

„The first day of starting a new training position is really exciting“, says Andrea Stoll, training supervisor of seele GmbH. „The new trainees start their first day by introducing themselves and getting a warm welcome from the executive man-agement.” After that a tour through the whole company follows, especially the 30.000sqm production is explained very well. There, façade elements are manu-factured to the highest standards. End-to-end digital processes enable every piece to be fabricated as a one-off even on large projects.

seele sets great store by training young people
For more than 30 years, seele has been training its own employees in various pro-fessions. Various career opportunities are open to them. The best example of this is Mrs. Stoll, who started as a trainee at seele 30 years ago and today accompanies young people in the technical field until they graduate.