Gersthofen, 23, January 2018. The technology leader in façade construction with headquarters in Gersthofen was founded in 1984 by master glazier Gerhard Seele and steelwork engineer Siegfried Gossner. Because of the realization of technically demanding façade constructions all over the world seele was growing continuously. Today, about 1,000 employees work at the seele’s locations around the world.
Recently the executive management of seele GmbH, Nelli Diller and Andreas Hafner, honoured long-term employees for 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of working at seele. One of the highlights is the long-term loyalty of Andrea Stoll, who started to work as an trainee in the design department of seele.
“Such an honour is always a special event. In this day and age it is very important to keep skilled employees at our company. That is why we have to say thank you to our staff, who is a big part of seele’s success”, said Nelli Diller, executive manager of seele GmbH.
In total 69 jubilarians of the seele group of companies were honoured. “Especially our engagement in apprenticeships and combined studies is the result of having qualified employees”, so Andreas Hafner. “Besides exciting tasks, our internal and external training offers are the reason for staying with us for a long time”.