The best in Swabia

03/20/2019 The subject of training has been a major issue at seele for over 30 years and the special commitment pays off: Trainees regularly achieve outstanding results.

Anna Spiegelberger recently received a special award. This year she graduated as the best metal worker in Swabia, specialising in construction technology. At the same time, seele GmbH was also honoured as the best training company in the region around Augsburg in the winter of 2018/19 for this training occupation.

Training will continue to play an important role at seele. With a lot of varied tasks, internal training and career opportunities, seele creates the best conditions for prospective apprentices.

Further information on training at seele and vacant training places can be found here.

Anna Spiegelberger is the best trainee in metal working in Swabia.

Anna Spiegelberger, metal worker in construction technology and Andreas Hurler, head of industrial training at seele. © seele

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