Engineering & Design

Construction designer jobs in Augsburg & Schörfling

Working in the design department at seele, you impact the entire process of producing building envelopes – from initial proposals to working drawings and fabrication planning.

Working in the design department, you impact the entire process of producing building envelopes – from initial proposals to working drawings and fabrication planning. With a job as a designer at seele, you work in a team with construction engineers and specialists from structural engineering and building physics. You apply your knowledge of 3D design and visualisation to optimise the design with the aid of digital tools. Your goal: to elevate the design to the next technological level. Top architects join forces with the best engineers – together you move the world of façade construction.

Our construction design jobs involve these areas of responsibility

No project at seele is like another – which is why our job vacancies for construction designers and design managers, structural engineers, structural technicians, 3D designers, and visualisers are equally varied. These areas of responsibility await design engineers in the engineering and design department.

mechatronik-ingenieur (w/m/d) - job in gersthofen
pointerGersthofen (DE)
more details
lehre zum konstrukteur metallbau (m/w/d) 2025 - job in schörfling
pointerSchörfling (AT)
more details

14 vacancies found

Job title Field of activity Location
mechatronik-ingenieur (w/m/d) - job in gersthofen Engineering Gersthofen (DE)icn_arrow-right
lehre zum konstrukteur metallbau (m/w/d) 2025 - job in schörfling Design Schörfling (AT)icn_arrow-right
cad-designer / konstrukteur (w/m/d) - job in gersthofen Design Gersthofen (DE)icn_arrow-right
design manager / konstrukteur (w/m/d) - job in schörfling Design Schörfling (AT)icn_arrow-right
duales studium bachelor of engineering – wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (w/m/d) 2025 - job in gersthofen Engineering Gersthofen (DE)icn_arrow-right
ausbildung zum technischen systemplaner stahl- und metallbautechnik (w/m/d) 2025 - job in gersthofen Design Gersthofen (DE)icn_arrow-right
duales studium bachelor of engineering – bauingenieurwesen fassadentechnik (w/m/d) 2025 - job in gersthofen Engineering Gersthofen (DE)icn_arrow-right
entwicklungsingenieur im bereich bauphysik (w/m/d) - job in schörfling Engineering Schörfling (AT)icn_arrow-right
cad-designer / konstrukteur (w/m/d) - job in pilsen Design Pilsen (CZ)icn_arrow-right
senior konstrukteur (w/m/d) - job in gersthofen Design Gersthofen (DE)icn_arrow-right
3d-engineer / entwicklungsingenieur cad-automatisierung (w/m/d) - job in gersthofen Engineering Gersthofen (DE)icn_arrow-right
techniker / ingenieur türen- und öffnungselemente (w/m/d) - job in gersthofen Design Gersthofen (DE)icn_arrow-right
design manager / konstrukteur (w/m/d) - job in St. Veit an der Glan Design St. Veit an der Glan (AT)icn_arrow-right
bauingenieur statik (w/m/d) - job in schörfling Engineering Schörfling (AT)icn_arrow-right

Other occupations at seele besides our jobs in engineering and design

Engineering & Design
Engineering & Design
Project Management
Project Management
Materials Management & Logistics
Materials Management: Purchasing & Logistics

Jobs at seele: One of the world's best addresses in façade construction

Your goal: Making complexity buildable. Your job as a construction designer: customised solutions in façade construction. Your skills: a high level of engineering expertise and a deep understanding of the craft and the materials. The digital and three-dimensional planning, which is the task of the 3D visualizers and designers at seele, lays the foundation for successfully executing highly complex geometries. As an employee on the design staff, you create information-rich 3D BIM models that are indispensible for excellent coordination and collaboration among all the people and trades involved in the construction project.
These interrelated fields of work – from design to production to assembly and installation – are based on intensive exchange among team players and experts. In addition to professional expertise, the ability to communicate and work in a team are important prerequisites for your application – whether for a position as a construction designer, a job in administration, a metal construction job vacancy in Augsburg or a project manager position at one of our international locations throughout the world. Apply now for a job at seele – the professional for façade construction since 1984.