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The German Crafts Championships are unique in Europe: every year, the best graduates of a professional training program compete in over 130 trades and in up to four consecutive stages. The talent of our metal construction graduate, coupled with our commitment to the training of young talents, led to the top result. Securing an outstanding 2nd place, Frederik also earned a coveted further education scholarship. We look forward to accompanying Frederik on his way to becoming a master craftsman.
Training has always had a special priority at seele. In 2024, we will once again be offering a wide range of opportunities for young talents with nine apprenticeships, four dual study programs and 40 years of experience. All training positions and information about training at seele can be found here.
Frederik von Dohlen (trained metalworker in construction technology) took 2nd place at the 2023 German Crafts Championships at Bavarian state level. © seele