Digitalised construction site logistics for Stuttgart 21

04/08/2024 A construction site as large as five football pitches, 27 light eyes and thousands of components – within the scope of Stuttgart 21, seele faces a significant logistical task. To coordinate everything, the façade construction specialist has introduced an RFID-based logistics concept.

seele has set up 6 RFID gates in its own production plants, in the temporary storage and on the construction site in Stuttgart. In addition, a RFID label is affixed to each packaging unit before it is loaded. As soon as the truck with the transport crate passes a gate, the reader device inside automatically scans all labels and forwards a status update to seele's ERP system. In this way, the RFID technology eliminates the sometimes time-consuming search for components and also digitally maps the construction progress.

You can find further information on the new logistics concept here.

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