Glass installation for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art has begun

05/14/2024 What started with extensive performance tests at our test centre is now becoming a reality: The glass installation for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) has kicked off. We have installed the first 4.50m high panels for the elevated exhibition level. This marks a significant milestone for the most important museum project in the U.S.

seele is realising 4,800sqm mullion and transom façades with both straight and curved glazing and brass cladding for this prestigious project. As there are special requirements for the façade construction due to the local conditions in Los Angeles, we carried out extensive performance tests on full-scale mock-ups at our test centre in Gersthofen (Germany). These included thermal cycling tests, wind and water intrusion tests as well as seismic tests.

For more information on the project, please visit our reference page.

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