New trainees at seele

06/22/2020 On September 1, 2020, a total of 12 trainees started their careers again at seele und se commerce. They will be trained in the professions of industrial clerks, technical system planners for steel and metal construction, metalworkers, cutting machine operators and IT specialists in system integration.

At first, the trainees were welcomed by the management and training representatives. Afterwards, the trainees got to know their new working environment better during a tour of the office and production. At the end of the day, they received an introduction to their department from their godparents and were able to familiarize themselves with their own workplace and make initial contact with their future colleagues.

seele welcomes all trainees and wishes them continued success!

Further information about training at seele can be found here.

seele's trainees 2020

© seele / René Müller

Your contact for media and public relations